
Lab Work

Lab Work

Lab Work service in Nashville, TN

Lab work, like blood tests, urinalysis, and cultures, helps identify diseases and other potentially serious medical conditions. At Harmony Clinic (Clinica Armonia) in Nashville, Tennessee, family practice physician assistant Steven Gardner, PA, offers lab work to people of all ages. Whether you need to monitor your blood sugar or you’re concerned about having a sexually transmitted disease (STD), lab work can provide peace of mind. Call Harmony Clinic (Clinica Armonia) to schedule a lab work appointment, or book a consultation online today.

Lab Work Q&A

Lab work is a type of diagnostic testing. It analyzes samples of bodily fluids, like your blood, urine, or saliva, to identify medical issues and gain insights into your health. 

You don’t need to be sick to benefit from lab work. Steven typically recommends regular testing at annual physicals. Many chronic conditions, like diabetes and high cholesterol, develop slowly and present few obvious symptoms. Lab work can identify them early on and prevent them from worsening.

What types of health problems can lab work help diagnose?

At Harmony Clinic (Clinica Armonia), Steven uses lab work to diagnose various health problems, including:

  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Vitamin and nutrient deficiencies
  • Contagious illnesses like hepatitis and HIV
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Certain types of cancer

Lab work can monitor the progress of certain treatments. For example, if you’re taking medication for high cholesterol, Steven might order lab work to see if the medication is successful. He might do the same if you have diabetes, kidney, or liver disease.

What are some common types of lab work?

At Harmony Clinic (Clinica Armonia), Steven offers several types of lab work, including:


Complete blood count (CBC)

A CBC analyzes the levels of different components in your blood, including white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and hemoglobin. Abnormal test results may indicate an underlying problem, like infection, anemia, or clotting problems.


Basic metabolic panel (BMP)

A BMP analyzes your blood for specific compounds, like potassium, sodium, chloride, and glucose. You need to fast for at least eight hours before this test to ensure accurate results. Abnormal numbers might indicate diabetes, kidney disease, or a hormone imbalance.


Lipid panel

A lipid panel analyzes the amount of fats (lipids) in your blood. You need to fast prior to a lipid panel, similar to a BMP.


Thyroid panel

A thyroid panel analyzes how well your thyroid gland produces and responds to certain hormones. Abnormally high or low levels might indicate thyroid disease, thyroid growth disorders, or low protein levels.



Urinalysis analyzes a sample of your urine to check for problems like liver disease, kidney disease, and diabetes. It can also help Steven diagnose a urinary tract infection (UTI).



Steven might recommend a culture if you have a sore throat or a persistent cough. During a culture, Steven collects a sample from your nose or mouth with a cotton swab and sends it to a lab for analysis.

Call Harmony Clinic (Clinica Armonia) to schedule a lab work appointment, or book your visit online today.